Home / News / Project Digital Apprentice Connor keeps medics up to date with latest COVID-19 training

Project Digital Apprentice Connor keeps medics up to date with latest COVID-19 training

Continuing with professional development is a crucial part of any organisation and Project Diogital Apprentice Connor Watson Reid is part of a digital marketing team who create e-learning courses for all staff of East Lancashire  Teaching Hospitals Trust to benefit from.  Together with his colleagues, they deliver a wide variety of courses – whether medical or administrative – for everyone to access.

“I’ve always enjoyed graphic design and editing so that I can really bring these courses to life and make them as accessible and impactful as possible. The intention is to ensure our e-learning is clear and concise so that it can be used as easily as possible.

Never has the challenge been greater for Connor as during the COVID-19 crisis.  “We’ve seen our materials change in an instant.  We are now delivering more emergency training courses in order to roll out important information as comprehensively as possible.  It needs to have impact and it needs to be now!”

Connor’s training is delivered through Project Digital, a unique industry-led Apprenticeship program run in partnership with leading marketing agency +24 Marketing