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Burnley College is committed to progressing its sustainability agenda, with staff and students working together to preserve the world’s valuable resources.

Our Campus has been developed with sustainability in mind, from environmental building designs to green energy production and provision for eco-friendly transport for students and staff.

Solar panels provide electricity and rain water is collected for reuse within College.

There are electric car charging points, bike lockers and we encourage the use of car sharing, public transport and walking to College where possible and practicable.

Our Campus is undergoing a process of re-wilding which includes the planting of additional trees and plants to provide natural habitats for wildlife.

Our Refectory provides recyclable cutlery and encourages the use of re-fillable containers for chilled water dispensers which are available across Campus.

Our polytunnel helps supply herbs for our College kitchens.

Recycling stations are situated across College for paper, batteries, plastic bottles and drinks cans.

The extended use of digital resources is aimed to reduce the amount of paper the College recycles and recycled paper is used for many College functions.

Energy-saving technology is employed across College to ensure lights and some equipment is turned off when areas are no longer in use.

As part of the College’s commitment to raising awareness of sustainability and damage to the natural environment, we joined forces with Ocean Revival, a team of four serving and former Royal Marines who completed ‘the world’s most dangerous row’ in summer 2021. The College is the official education partner of the elite team who made the mid-Atlantic crossing to support Plastic Oceans and the Royal Marines Charity, with team members visiting College to talk about the problems of plastic waste in our oceans.


Bike Lockers


Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Reusable Cutlery and Dishes in our Refectory and Cafe

Green Wall

Reusable Water Bottles and water stations around College