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Student case study

Jenni-Lea Finch

Theatre and Performance

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It was very easy to get along with the staff. I felt comfortable every step of the way.

Jenni-Lea was an aspiring BTEC Level 2 and 3 Performing Arts student who truly wanted to take her education to the next level. After completing her college studies, she progressed onto University level study at none other than Burnley College University Courses.

Studying a FDA in Theatre & Performance, Jenni-Lea was keen on achieving her goal of producing and developing her own theatre company and teaching at secondary and college level to other passionate students interested in the Arts.

Having received an immense amount of support from tutors across the college and having heard lots of great things about the university, she knew that BCUC was the place to be. After graduation, she hopes to complete her PGCE and excel into the career of teaching.


It was very easy to get along with the staff. I felt comfortable every step of the way.


Karl Eden

Music Technology

Having a plethora of experience in the Music Industry, Karl teaches Music and Music Technology at Levels 2 and 3, at A Level and at Degree Level study. Attending Salford and Huddersfield University was just the beginning for Karl having become a Recording Studio Technician and an A Level Music Teacher at Nelson and Colne College.

Karl has now worked at Burnley College Sixth Form Centre for 19 years and greatly enjoys teaching music to his aspiring student musicians.

“Music and sound are such powerful mediums yet are completely intangible. That fact alone is quite magical.”


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