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Aims of the Programme

By re-engaging with education in a positive way, we aim to empower young people to reach their potential.
On completion of the programme, they will be awarded a qualification and support to gain employment, continue in full time study or training.
– Explore new experiences in education
– Build confidence and communication skills
– Meet new people
– Access careers advice
– Improve wellbeing
– Develop creative and analytical thinking
– Advance English and Maths skills
– Signpost to other education/providers if required

Health and Social Childcare Programme

Start date: Tuesday 16 April (ends Friday 24 May)
Runs: Tuesdays 9am – 3pm and Fridays 9.30am – 3pm

Do you want to protect people from harm? Are you a natural born carer? We can help you achieve that dream.

Take part in various care activities and learn about different career options.

Early Years Play | Creative Education and Development | Forest School | Care routines | Careers in Health and Social Care

Register your interest


Pathway to…

  • Business
  • Construction (Brickwork, Electrical Installation, Furniture, Painting and Decorating, Joinery, Plumbing)
  • Creative Arts and Media (Dance, Esports, Game Design, Media, Music, Performing Arts)
  • ESOL
  • Sport and Fitness
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Uniformed Services (Emergency, Military, Justice)

“Pathway to…” Interest Form

How can Burnley College help?

For young people not currently in education, employment or training, our new 6-week programme has been created to support young people to make the transition back into learning or employment.

Our friendly, approachable and supportive staff will offer individualised advice and guidance, based on what the young person is interested in.

Learners will be assigned their own mentor and the programme takes place two days a week.

Classes are small groups, with an emphasis on providing learning personalised to the individual’s needs.

Who are the ‘Pathway to…’ Programmes for?

  • Learners who were 16 years as of August 2023 – Those who finished (or were scheduled to finish) Year 11 in Summer 2023) AND
  • Those not currently in education, employment or training

Any young person who meets the criteria above is welcome to join the programme. Whatever their reasons for not currently being in education or work, we will work with learners to ensure success.


Find Out More

01282 733322 | [email protected] | Call in

Informal drop-in every Tuesday morning from 9-10am where you can chat in person. Option to meet outside or in Easter break.

Once we hear from you, we will arrange to meet you to discuss your options and assess your suitability for this programme.