Essential Skills for Working Life - Adult Supported Learning (SEN)
Vocational •
Essential Skills for Working Life - Adult Supported Learning (SEN)
Vocational •SHARE COURSE
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About the course
With an initial assessment of skills using the 'Preparing for Adulthood Agenda Outcomes' each pathway offers a progressive route of study for Essential skills for Life, Skills for Life and Volunteering and Essential Skills for Working Life. The offer has a clear pathway for Supported Learning students alongside attainment of English, Maths and ICT skills(if applicable) . Credit based qualifications will enable students to develop skills, gaining underpinning knowledge and offer opportunities for learners to progress to higher levels of achievement and development.
Entry Requirements
No specific entry requirements are necessary - applicants with EHCP will require a Additional Learning Support Assessment prior to enrolment.
Portfolio of evidence with Maths and English (if applicable) assessed with exams
Careers & Progression
Each programme has 3 progressive levels of academic study which enables each candidate to reach their full potential. Students with an EHCP are able to progress to each different programme area allowing the time to develop skills, knowledge and social skills as part of their Individual Learning Plans. Pathway 1 works towards Independence with living and social skills; Pathway 2 works towards development of skills in social development and preparation for the volunteering sector; Pathway 3 works towards development of skills in social development and preparation for employment and financial independence
Have a question? Get in touch!
Or call us on 01282 733373