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BSc Hons Psychology and Criminology (Foundation Entry Available)

Degree • Level 6

BSc Hons Psychology and Criminology (Foundation Entry Available)

Degree • Level 6

Type of LearningUniversity Study

Course CodeA4102


Study ModeFull time.


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Awarded ByUCLan

Location ByBurnley College

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About the course

Study the nature of crime in society and gain an understanding of crime and criminal behaviour from two complementary perspectives on this truly fascinating course. Psychology and Criminology are separate disciplines that complement each other well. During Year 1, you build up your basic knowledge and skills in both Psychology and Criminology, which are quite distinct subjects that involve developing different, though related, skills. Psychology is an investigative science, involving practical classes and report-writing, as well as acquiring knowledge and critically examining evidence. Criminology is a social science and so you will be expected to read independently for seminars, and contribute to discussions and debates. For those achieving a Lower Second Class degree or higher and successfully completing the independent research project, will achieve BPS status. Alternatively, after Year 1 you can choose to specialise, by transferring to any one of our other Psychology routes or by pursuing a degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Year 1 (delivered at Burnley College): The standard full time tuition fee rate for this course in 2023/24 for Home and EU students is £9000 per year. Year 2 and 3 (delivered at UCLan): The standard full time tuition fee rate for this course in 2023/24 for Home and EU students is £9250 per year. The standard full time tuition fee for the Foundation year for this course in 2023/24 is £6000.

Type of LearningUniversity Study

Course CodeA4102


Study ModeFull time.


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Awarded ByUCLan

Location ByBurnley College

Start Date/s


Cost Information

Year 1 (delivered at Burnley College): The standard full time tuition fee rate for this course in 2023/24 for UK students is £9000 per year. Year 2 and 3 (delivered at UCLan): The standard full time tuition fee rate for this course in 2023/24 for UK students is £9250 per year. The standard full time tuition fee for the Foundation year for this course in 2023/24 is £6000.

Entry Requirements

Our typical offer is 104-112 UCAS Points.  We operate a flexible admissions policy and treat everyone as an individual. This means that we will take into consideration your educational achievements and predicted grades (where applicable) together with your application as a whole, including work experience and personal statement. General Studies accepted. Applications from individuals with non-standard qualifications, relevant work or life experience and who can demonstrate the ability to cope with and benefit from degree-level studies, are welcome and these applicants will be interviewed.


Foundation Entry Year - HUC110 Essential Study Skills for Higher Education, HUC111 Developing Academic Knowledge, HUC202 Skills for Education, LWC023 Introduction to Criminology and Sociology, PSC005 Introduction to Psychology, PSC006 Foundations of Psychology. Year 1 - PS1010 Methods and Practice of Psychological Inquiry, PS1020 Introduction to Developmental and Social Psychology, PS1030 Introduction to Psychobiology and Cognition, PS1050 Being a Psychologist, CJ1201 Looking Beyond Crime and Criminology, and, CJ1205 Key Approaches to Criminology. Year 2 and 3 - On successful completion of the above studies you can progress onto complete year 2 and 3 at UCLan Preston.


Teaching, learning and assessment approaches have been designed to promote the transfer of learning between individual modules and each subject. Personal and professional development and the integration of learning are promoted through the use of a learning contract. Teaching and learning methods are varied. They include formal lectures, seminars, group activities and project work, presentations and private independent study. Assessment is used both to determine results and to assist students to learn. Assessment methods are varied, including essays, case studies, oral presentations, workbooks, exams, reflective logs and diaries

Careers & Progression

On completion of the course at UCLan Preston, graduating on this BPS-accredited course will enable you to gain entry requirements to further education and professional training in Psychology. Graduates may pursue a career in psychology by undertaking postgraduate training to become professional psychologists, including BPS-accredited Master’s programmes. However psychology and criminology graduates are valued more broadly, and others utilise the skills that our degree encourages to take graduate-level positions in a range of organisations, including the Police, Prison Service, NHS, social and community services, health authorities and in the pharmaceutical industry, and in education and training.

Information About Fees

Year 1 (delivered at Burnley College): The standard full time tuition fee rate for this course in 2023/24 for Home and EU students is £9000 per year. Year 2 and 3 (delivered at UCLan): The standard full time tuition fee rate for this course in 2023/24 for Home and EU students is £9250 per year. The standard full time tuition fee for the Foundation year for this course in 2023/24 is £6000.

Have a question? Get in touch!

Or call us on 01282 733373