Rachael Slater

Rachael Slater, from Accrington, completed her AAT Accounting and Finance Themis Apprenticeship with HAPPA. She even earned the Employee of the Month award and is heavily praised by her employer, Tanya Bunkham. Her employer revelled in the ‘outstanding level’ of Rachael’s portfolio. She excelled in her exams, gaining over 90% in two of them and […]

Denis Yudin

Denis Yudin, father of two boys and a dog, kick started his career by building the foundations at Burnley College, which has great recommendations from friends as their daughter studied here. At 45, Denis begun GCSE Maths to support his dreams of being a Data Scientist with Social Science or Political Science, which he has […]

Paula Sykes

Paula Sykes, has a passion for nurturing young minds. Working at Innisfree Childcare, she produces activities that cater to each child’s unique learning and development needs. Using her own knowledge and skills to be successful in every aspect, meeting individual needs, providing inclusive practice and working in a confidential manner. Her overall goal is to […]

Carl Seymour

Carl completed his GCSE Maths and is excited about what his future holds. Now that he has his maths qualifications, Carl knows this will open new doors of opportunity. He fondly talks of how supportive his Tutors have been. Their belief in him contributed massively to his management of the course. He has met new […]